
I've been trying to set up this shop for Months because it's intimidating and more of a process than I anticipated, and it took me forever and a half to come up with a name for the shop. At one point I looked myself in the eye and said "Why are you so bad at naming things? You're literally a writer." And I had a good point. So, as I'd been writing lots of poems for Escapril (a poem a day based on a prompt all through April), I looked through my creations and picked one of my favorite lines. It's probably the best poem I wrote all month. It's certainly the only one I let my mom read (hi mom).

the exact middle

nestled between red and blue
real and fake
false and true
between myth and fact and me and you
the sky took on a violet hue
and lies became facts
as stories do.
the tides ran low and so did we two
our ship sank deep,
our treasure too,
but we survived
a lonely few
collected in the stacks of life
the middle shelf, a dazzling view
we fairy tales of old and new.

Look around the shop, make yourself at home, sign up for emails perhaps. I don't know what I'll send out but I'm sure you'll want more poems :))